

Please Fill In Your Pulse Check Survey By Friday…..

How do you think things are going?  Please take a few minutes to fill in the “Pulse Check” Staff Engagement Survey by this Friday – 16th December.  Voices into Actions resizedThis helps the Senior Management of CEMEX UK and CEMEX globally to prioritise their actions and make sure that CEMEX is the best place to work that it can be.  Your views help everyone to understand what is working well so we can share it and carry on doing it, and what is not working so well so we can try to fix it.

The Survey will only take a few minutes to complete and is absolutely confidential as it is run by an external company.  So far 1,337 of you have kindly completed the Survey out of a potential 2,891! Please could the remaining 54% of you find a few minutes to fill it in before Friday?


There have been over 200 actions either started or completed since the last Engagement Survey was done as a direct result of your feedback.

Thank you in advance for taking the time out to tell us how you think CEMEX UK is doing since the last Engagement Survey.