

Thanks For Your Effort Heroes This Month…..

Several colleagues went over and above their normal work requirements last month and were nominated for a ‘thanks for your effort’ award.  Thank you to them all for their amazing contributions. They were:

Martin Pearce, Plant Supervisor, Totton RMX Plant.  For his tireless positive attitude! Martin has batched and organised the transport for a record volume of screed from our Totton Plant in February 2017 (even though it is a short month!) This involves VERY early mornings, six days a week, and all with a tireless positive attitude towards our internal staff and our customers.

Paul Cooke, Martin Fellows and Eric Nicholls, Readymix Supply Chain: Led by Paul Cooke. A small Team came together from across Readymix with the purpose of implementing the global initiative Order Management Certificate training.  The completed materials are now being rolled out across Readymix to all Shippers and all Plant Supervisors and have since been shared with Aggregates & Asphalt, and are likely to be taken as best practice. It has also been shared with the Digital Commercial Model Team focused on Order Taking.

James Halfpenny, Edith Heggie, Archibald Orr, Tom Hunter, Blair Mclennan, Readymix Commercial Scotland. Last month RMX Scotland achieved a level of having no open customer queries.  This demonstrates an excellent example of what can be done with ownership, regular discipline and for keeping close attention on pricing and open queries. 

Dann King, Ed Castleton, Cement Logistics & Quality.  Building on an idea that Ed had implemented at Rugby Plant to use PI Data to collect and report on data generated by the Quality Department.  Both Ed and Dann have unquestioningly assisted in developing the idea to allow the replacement of a legacy system that our customers use to obtain technical performance data on our products.  This was outside of the scope of their normal responsibilities and objectives. 

Phil Repton, Dave Tyge, James Mclarney, Leon Fletcher (ABS), Mitch (P Young contractor), Salford Asphalt Team.  A freak taperlock collapse occurred on the dryer at Salford; this allowed the dryer to drop and damage the thrust roller.  Phil and the Team pulled together and worked till midnight to get the dryer repaired.  The parts had arrived to fix the burner issue, but due to the dryer fault the parts couldn’t be tested so the Team then came in at 5am the following morning to test the burner and dryer to make sure everything was OK for production, and that customers could continue to be served.