Future in Action

Future in Action


Thank you to everyone who helped to raise an epic £4,406.50!!!! last week in aid of Breast Cancer Now charity.  Cement turns pink resized 2The Pink Ladies surpassed themselves with a fantastic array of activities. Dame Edna visited Rugby and even Carl Platt was seen in pink!!!

The younger generation also got involved with this fab shot of Shola (daughter of Laura Maiden in Preston Brook) taken, looking great at home in a pink hard hat!!

Lynsey Smith wrote this on Shift on behalf of the Pink Ladies team: “Steph was the face of CEMEX at Rugby for a long time and I know for sure that she is greatly missed by everyone. She was a warm, welcoming figure who made us all feel a little bit better on our way in to work. I feel sure that she would have been looking down on us on Friday and proud of every single one of you for taking part and being so generous.

rugby cakes 1 - resized 2You should all be so proud of yourselves.  Some of you baked cakes, some of you sold raffle tickets, some of you bought raffle tickets, some of you wore pink, some of you took selfies and some of you donated raffle prizes.

You all contributed towards a fantastic day on Friday which was enjoyed by everyone; the cake sales at Rugby, Stockton and Preston Brook were huge successes and after a mid-week panic by me that we weren’t going to have any cakes to sell, I was shocked to come in on Friday to see how many lovely donations we received. We were spoiled for choice with beautiful brownies, cupcakes, cheesecakes, macaroons, fruit cakes and much more besides!  Special thanks to all of the bakers for taking the time to supply us with calorie-free treats (calories don’t count if it’s for charity).

Rugby pink - resized 2THANK YOU to Jacky Horabin who took charge of running the event in the North West and managed to get one of her customers to donate another iPad and gather a really good prize stash so she ran her own draw up there. The iPad was won by John Lamb at Forest Hill.

Stockton cakes - resized 2Jacky also organised a cake sale at Preston Brook and the total raised in her area was £595.30!! Special thanks to Jacky for taking on the task.

THANK YOU Fleur Wilson who organised events in Stockton and they had a Bake-Off which was judged by KPMG – 1st prize went to Andy Cunningham, 2nd prize went to Lesley Huitson and 3rd prize went to Ryan Ellis.

Fleur also ran a ‘blind card’, gave a prize for the ‘Pinkest Person’ and raffled a Pink Sweet Bouquet, as well as selling raffle tickets for the main draw and won by Caroline Corner.

pink sweet bouquet - resized 2THANK YOU to everyone who donated raffle prizes, we had over 60 prizes in total and the list of winners will be published shortly.

THANK YOU to everyone who bought raffle tickets – I have emailed all of the winners and will arrange to get your prizes out as soon as possible.

Dame Edna visits Rugby resized 2THANK YOU to Jesus Gonzalez for your support – we contacted Jesus a few weeks ago and asked him to be involved on the day as he was such a big part of last year’s event. He didn’t hesitate to say yes and I think we could have asked him to jump out of a plane and he’d have agreed! (one for next year maybe??).  Anyone who was in Rugby on Friday would have seen him selling raffle tickets in a pair of fetching pink glasses and a feather boa – how could you say no to that? I have to say, his sales tactics were exemplary!

THANK YOU Lucy Jane Birch, Louise Trodden, Louise West, Ellen Boylin, Keisha Dawkins and Claire Hills for all of your help organising the event, I couldn’t have done it without you, and not forgetting Margaret Harding, who did a fantastic job selling raffle tickets.

I admit that I was unsure about whether we would reach the target of £2,500; it’s a huge amount to reach, let alone beat, but beat it we did! At the last count, and with matched funding from CEMEX to the tune of £1,000, the total we have raised is an astounding £4,406.50!!!!

Thank you for your support, you are all amazing!”