Future in Action

Future in Action

All A Flutter… Hunt For The Hawk Moth

Have you seen any Hawk Moths at your site?  If so please email: cemex@rspb.org.uk

Moth 2 resized 2This weekend is Moth Night – the annual celebration of Moths and Moth trapping.  The RSPB in partnership with Butterfly Conservation Trust are particularly keen to find out about sightings of Hawk Moths.

Not all Moths are brown and boring.  For example the beautiful Hummingbird Hawk Moth (pictured right) resemble mini Hummingbirds as they hover above the flowers they feed on, and they fly in the day so are easier to spot.

The previously migrant species have recently been discovered overwintering in greenhouses and other sheltered spots in South West England, suggesting that more could be around this year than ever before. The RSPB want to build a clearer picture of their UK distribution.

Other Hawk Moths include Privet, Lime, Poplar, Eyed and Elephant Hawk Moths which can all be found in gardens in June. Most fly at night and are attracted to light. Try leaving a light on in an open porch or garage to see if you can draw them in.