

Building better into everything we do

Following the lead from the Aggregates business and with the assistance of Rob Doody, a team has been formed to apply the Continuous Improvement (Ci) culture within our corporate functions as well as our operations.

Leaders in the Sustainability, Health and Safety, Facilities, Procurement, Communications, Energy, Planning, HR, Legal and National Reserves functions have carried out working sessions with their teams.

By brainstorming improvement opportunities and identifying small changes to the way we work, there are many ways we can simplify our processes and eliminate waste.

Opportunities identified so far include – making Ci a normal agenda item for meetings; making better use of technology for communication; reducing travelling time by using more virtual meetings; improving document storage and access; improving new starter onboard process; using Ideas Boards in some areas.
Ci is a cultural change process, and we encourage everyone in every function to look for marginal improvements in their work – when added together they add up to huge savings and efficiencies. For more information or Ci learning materials, please contact Rob Doody or Jamie Pickles.